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Per this story, DJ Nexus describes how he got his name, including information about a company he founded before going to college.

But Van Jones effortlessly explains who he is and why it matters to everyone who visits his Twitter profile.

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Your values can sometimes show your work ethic more effectively than your career path. It can also help you endear yourself to employers and colleagues who want to work with people with similar values.

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I encourage you to take stock of your accomplishments, career path, and hobbies, and use the strategies and examples above to craft a bio that reflects your best professional self.

To be fair, Sopra certain contexts, your professional bio needs here to be more formal, like Mr. Erickson's up there. But there are also cases where writing a personable and conversational bio is good.

These bios create distance between the subject of the bio (you) and the reader through a third person. This person could be anyone, but they usually speak in a tone emphasizing their expertise.

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He includes his skills as a marketer and podcast host, who he is outside work as a dad, and what he can help you do. His smiles also give the bio a sense of humor and realness.

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